Monday, August 16, 2010

Babetude Wonders...

Now you might think what makes me wonder. Actually right now, it's the very talented Chris Isaak's song with the same name...

When I was younger I believed, that dreams came true.
Now I wonder.
Cause' I've seen much more dark skies, than blue.
Now I wonder.

I keep on praying for a blue sky, I keep on searching through the rain.
I keep on thinking of the good times, will they ever come again?
Now I wonder.
Now I wonder.

I keep on praying for a blue sky, I keep on searching through the rain.
I keep on thinking of the good times, will they ever come again?
Now I wonder.
Now I wonder.

When I was younger I believed, that I could win.
Now I wonder.
There was a time when you and I, walked hand & hand.
Now I wonder.

I keep on searching for the old me, I keep on thinking I can change.
I keep on hoping for a new day, will I ever feel the same?
Now I wonder.
Oh I wonder.
Now I wonder.

This is soul stirring and seems so very real and touching.

The talented man must have really expressed from his heart, as he sat down to pen these lyrics one fine day and later perform the song with his amazing and expressive voice.

I never liked the cover versions of the same as none can beat the original.

Chris Isaak had many more great songs, but this is my personal favorite.

The song rings true, especially now.

Well, when one is a child(the best times for anyone)one can never understand and feel the depth of these words. One is too young, naive and innocent to understand the reality of life, see the true picture of things.

Now this must have come out in the 90s and I really didn’t notice it until now.

Quite late, huh!

But very natural, since then I too was quite the little girl, not growing up fast( I wish I had) - immature, childish and the big dreamer.

Interestingly I have known the 13 year old Salma Hayek- Mathhew Perry film 'Fools Rush in' for a while now. But I just bumped into it while channel surfing only recently and viewed it.

The movie is alright and it’s actually the song which has been used in the movie touched me far more.

It made me like Chris Isaak all over again.

With his quality voice and the lyrics, he makes it sound even more poignant.

I'm sure I'm not alone. Many others(I’m omitting the lucky few here that have had it very easy in life)who have come up the hard way must have felt the same at some points in their lives.

Just after you grow up a bit and become a teenager, the struggle sets in...

A struggle to make things happen, encountering realities of the world, facing both personal and professional situations, some not very kind folks trying to cut you down without any rhyme or reason (actually it only seems so, but they have the reasons -envy, jealousy, competition, whatever they would call it),losing people you care about and loved, lack of emotional support or people who you thought were your own letting you down or hurt by people you felt were your friends, used for selfish reasons, harmed by the ones who you never thought could do so knowingly or unknowingly, unfortunate, painful happenings in life and so on.

Phew,the list is almost endless...

Life isn’t at all a bad of roses for most people. There are many reasons to get disillusioned especially when dreams break. Sometimes I really wish life was a little simpler…

There would be days when one feels totally hopeless, blue, and down and out. At times such as these, the song would sound true but be a solace as well because it also tells you that you are not alone in this. In fact its subtlety and sweetness can actually cheer you up.

When one's going through a low phase or physically, emotionally, financially weak, it seems some rejoice or try to kick him/ her down even further, walk all over him/her.

So it's always better to pray and try to be strong always.

Actually it would have been better if everyone just tried to do his/ her duties, concentrating on his/ her individual space, being happy there, rather than making things difficult for others. Be constructive and progressive without interfering negatively in others lives.

But then, things were, are and will not be that simple and idealistic. It’s always been so and some things are not within one’s control. How some things happen, you never really know…

Yeah guys, when you are little you mostly don’t realize all this and you are so very happy. But the age of innocence comes to an end fast. And that’s the reality of life.

There was this girl from my small town whom I knew as a kid and we were kind of close for a while. She once told me not very long ago that life didn’t give her the opportunity to work after marriage.

Well, actually she didn’t go out into the world( I wanted her to accompany me), experience the city life, slog it out and try to have a professional life. She remained the protected little girl at home, looked after by her mother. Yet she faced many other personal issues and traumas (her mom couldn’t protect her from the same)and today has regrets.

I’ve seen and heard of a few others as well and some admitted to the same too. And I've read enough history including film & entertainment history, seen movies and observed current situations to know what even the rich, the famous, the celebs went/ go through.

My mother who feels she couldn’t realize her full potential in life, said how when one ages, one’s hopes slowly die when things don’t turn out the way one plans.

It sounds negative, but that’s the truth.

There are some mysteries in the world which remain unexplained.

I like to think a lot and that's why such topics keep coming up in my posts. There was a time when my mother used to chide me for being too much of a thinker and a dreamer. Well, now I guess she understands a bit.

Victor Hugo, novelist and dramatist said, "A man is not idle because he is absorbed in thought. There is a visible labor and there is an invisible labor". So thinking is important along with doing things. "Think before you speak, look before you leap"- the old adage is wise and worth practicing too.

We just have to keep the hope alive and the spirits up,whatever the situation might be. Listening to all those who matter and who are worth following, things worth doing can help to heal, to overcome a sad situation. It's easier said than done and it's always up to the person involved.

You got to fight it out and be a survivor and winner.

So don’t think I’m depressing you guys.

Face the realities, keep the faith and don’t ever give up. I know I'm sounding preachy, it's cliché, yet so very true…

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