Monday, July 15, 2013

The Film Stars: A Collection of Six Stories

Please view on Amazon Kindle store...( From the 4th of July, 2013)
The Film Stars: A Collection of Six Stories

A book that deals with the deeper aspects of stardom. We tend to just look at the outer aspects of the phenomenon. But there is more to it than meets the eye. 'The Film Stars - A collection of six stories' tries to delve deep into psychologies,mindsets,of inhabitants of the glamour world from different time frames and both sides of the world- the East and the West.

The Boook Description

""Stars don’t fall out of the sky" - is a very interesting statement. It is actually quite literally true for film stars. We do not quite know exactly when celebrities from entertainment or other fields came to be called ‘stars’. What is known is that, stars are actually made here on earth with effort and with luck. Stardom has mysteries. It is hard to exactly define what makes or breaks a star. Stardom has its downsides too. Stars seem to have enviable lives with beauty, fame, charm, money and, adulation galore. Indeed, there is “no business like show business!” However, behind the glitz, the glamour, the beauty, the money, the popularity, the fame and the reverence, there are many stories: a few told and some untold. It has been rumoured and the insiders do know for a fact, that after the camera lights switch off; stories of inner turmoil emerge, just as may happen with any other human being. Behind the make-up, the happiness, and the smiles, pizzazz and the allure, there is an arduous pursuit of inner peace, happiness and love: from family, friends and loved ones. There are stories of battles: some won, some lost and there are cherished moments, broken promises and, emotional scars. Sometimes, there are many unanswered questions and unsolved mysteries. In that glamorous world too, there are people with different personalities, shades, colours and ways. It is a demanding world, one where its inhabitants bear a constant pressure to live up to the external expectations, up to the image created in the minds of the audience, loved ones and up to one’s own gigantic expectations, as well. Often, it is near impossible to find genuine friends in such a world, a world that is often shallow and where fortunes change fast and tables turn almost every day. Nothing seems to last forever in life and similarly, a day comes when the glamour ceases to exist as it once did. A time comes to bow out gracefully. However, not every one could learn and master the art of living without glitz and glamour; ageing and continuing with life, happily. Moreover, if the individual and collective decisions are not sound enough, the aftermaths can haunt the future. The later stage of life, when the adulation slowly fades away, can become a heavy burden. Sometimes, just a split second difference, owed to some negligence, can lead to misfortune and unfortunately, change lives for the worse and leave a trail littered with tortuous regrets. Good mental health is a must for stable inter-personal relationships, but not everyone is so blessed. So, here are a few tales of ‘stars and aspiring-stars’ and the people surrounding them; stories traced from the vintage days of the Pictures, to the present times. The cultures merge across the global divide, but as we shall see, the human psyche and spirit, know no boundaries!

About the Author

Blogger, author and awarded journalist, Snéha’s writing converges on entertainment, socio-cultural and human-interest themes. Snéha’s written coverage of the entertainment industry has been published by newspapers and journals since her childhood and early adolescent years (late 1990’s and early 2000’s). She has always held a very deep appreciation of the fine arts: cinema, music, dance, poetry, painting, fashion and theatre. A History graduate and Mass Communication postgraduate, Snéha has invested significant time and research into the dynamic and vibrant entertainment industry of India. Certified in Film Appreciation by the prestigious Film and Television Institute of India, she is able to provide us with an exciting, insightful viewpoint of the cinema industry. Snéha is the recipient of an international journalism fellowship prize awarded in the Caribbean. The Film Stars is the young author's first elaborate work of fiction. Snéha’s upcoming novel, entitled The Karmic Sisters, eloquently narrates a compendium of intertwined deeds transcending time and space.

Some Feedback

“The book is indeed very good and novel. The passion for cinema is reflected in the author's writing. Apart from talking about the glamour of the world of showbiz, it delves deep into the worlds and lives of the inhabitants of the cinema world- from acting students to retired actors. Reading about film stars is just as captivating as watching them on film.

The stories are from different time frames and, we get to go down memory lane. It conveys the message that life does not play out like a movie script.”

“It's good to know about and read a book which has heart warming and elaborate stories on cinema, players of the cine world and the intricacies of the celebrity life and that fascinating world from the early days, up to current times. The stories from both sides of the world are exhilarating, invigorating, and original and it also explores psychology in a mature and sensitive way. It is a great read for art and more particularly cinema lovers and appreciators and the inhabitants too as most of them can identify with it! Keep up the good work!”

“The book is quite a delightful read! An almost ideal ending to a stressful day of work: sprawl out on a comfy reclining-chair, have a hot cup of coffee on the table alongside and indulge into this collection of fine fiction!”

“It displays the zeal and dedication for cinema. An outstanding collection of stories of film-related imaginary characters! The author's note and preface are heart-touching and it won’t be an understatement to say the stories are world-class. The cover is well-designed and artistic. I think the book is the first of its kind by an Indian author. All the very best! "

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P.S. There is a long way to go. Watch this space for more...

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