Sunday, May 1, 2011

A little Older & a little Wiser from Today!

Yeah, Babetude is a little older and a little wiser today...No, not the blog. It isn't a year old yet. It's actually, me the author..

After leaving my teens behind, I did fret. I'm doing the same now,but only a bit. I am thankful to God for all the nice things I have had in life. Yes, I regret the pain( some unnecessary caused by circumstances) and the repent some mistakes

Am thankful I am a young looking gal and have always been. I've been told that so many times.I never took compliments that seriously and now too it's the same. Of course

Age is just a number after all! Getting wiser while looking young and good is the trick.

I am so glad I spent my day in a place of worship...a pristine beautiful church close up on the hills...

I am trying. Hope do some better work this year, better myself and stand up for causes...Hope to put up some good posts on the blog from this new year of mine.

1 comment:

  1. Happy for yaa...Glad to know u had a great day.May you celebrate many many more such happy healthy beautiful ones, till your are very old( but look young:):)

    Hoping for great posts from the blog from now on, for a long long time!
