Monday, May 30, 2011

A memorable day...

May 30th is celebrated as Indian arrival day in Trinidad & Tobago. It was on May 30th, 1845 that the first sheep carrying indentured laborers arrived here from Calcutta.

It was nice to be part of the celebrations here and the way authentic Indian culture has been propagated and preserved. Life in cosmopolitan India has changed but the small town/ village culture from Norther India is propagated here. The Indo- Trinidadians are thankful to their fore fathers for sacrificing so much for a better future for them today.

Co-incidentally Babetude happened to visit here for the first time on May 30th two years ago...Lovely co incidence indeed!

Today also happened to be Memorial Day in the US.

For the uninitiated,Memorial Day is a United States Federal Holiday that is observed on the last Monday of May. Formerly known as DecorationDay, the holiday commemorates U.S. men and women who perished in military service to their country. Memorial Dayoriginally honored Union soldiers who died during the American Civil War but After World War I it was expanded to include those who died in any war or military action.

President Obama called on all Americans to come together to honor the men and women who gave their lives so that the others may live free.

It's a wonderful commemoration indeed! Indian martyrs and heroes get honored on Republic Day and Independence day.
But any day can be as good and today too it was an honor to remember such heroes.

The words attributed to John Maxwell Edmonds (1875 -1958), an English Classicist, who had put them together among a collection of 12 epitaphs for World War One, in 1916 will always keep touching...

"When You Go Home, Tell Them Of Us And Say,
For Their Tomorrow, We Gave Our Today"

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sad Days of History- Unjust and Unfair!

It happened 475 years ago in England. Injustice has been a part of this world and 17 th of May 1536 during the Tudor times is just an example of how much human beings have been cruel to one another.

People interested or passionate about history, find the Tudor times colorful and interesting. Henry VIII's reign, his six marriages in the quest of a male heir and the reign of his daughter Elizabeth 1 has been covered by powerful medias- cinema and television over and over.

Being a history graduate, I've been studied the same but after been exposed more via Television and now blogs and social media, the interest has increased manifolds.

The story of the fall of the Boleyns from grace has a lot to it- love, lust, passion, religion, politics, treachery, deceit, greed...A lot to learn from and many believe( and have proved) Queen Anne Boleyn, the second wife of Henry VIII and mother of one the greatest English monarchs Elizabeth 1(the cinematic interpretations of whose life have been much talked about too) was innocent of the charges leveled against her- adultery,incest, treason.

So was her brother George Boleyn, the Lord Rochford and the four men- Sir Henry Norris, Sir Francis Weston, William Bereton and Mark Smeaton who lives ended on similar charges in the tower of London.

Here are wonderful links with loads of information by passionate and learned people---

RIP the five young man. Unneeded and unjust loss of life will always be mourned though it's been common in history and happening uptill now.

History is important in the sense that it helps us know the past and prepare better for the future. As a young person, this kind of wisdom doesn't come to most naturally and one needs to be tutored. Sadly to err is human, sometimes circumstances lead people to similar types of mistakes too while many others do terrible things intentionally. People sometimes learn after they falter.

Circumstances and surroundings have also changed over the years, the world has advanced, the average humans' life spans have increased, the world seems to have become a smaller place thanks to the scientific, artistic and social progresses but life as a whole is almost the same. Robert Greene is right when he says in his book on the laws of power - Don't fool yourself by saying that life has changed since then, you ought to learn from the mistakes and examples of those who came before you.

Of course we are not supposed to judge people who were around so many years ago using 21st century lenses. Yes, the current problems of the world are in the middle east, world terrorism( the big news this May was the fall of an infamous, notorious terrorist), and many other issues but history's importance in life will always be there to make us wiser and better.

The quotes and beliefs of a few wise men from now and yesteryears' makes so much sense and leads to wisdom.

Charles Dickens legendary and favorite author of many, had described King Henry VIII as:" a most intolerable ruffian, a disgrace to human nature and a blot of blood and grease upon the History of England"

Being the king he was used to having his way at any cost. But then if we think and research, we realize that it's been a man's world for years. King Henry VIII being all powerful, having the upper hand in life and having many mistresses and later, marriages happened way back- sometime between 1515 till as long as he lived-1547. But as late as 400 years later, 1935 to 1945 till current times, I have heard of similar examples of even normal men having the upper hand, in 3rd and 4th world countries, sons getting preference over daughters. There have been some personal experiences as well. There have been powerful women in the past and in the last century and now but all in all looking at some sexist and chauvinistic attitudes of many, it seems more like a men's world even now. Yes, women are more liberated in developed and developing nations but in many places around the world, the fairer sex has had to tolerate unjust treatment.

And injustice, corruption, intrigue, conspiracy rising out of jealousy, greed and hunger for power et al is quite common up to now.

Queen Anne's father Thomas Boleyn and uncle Thomas Howard is said to have put her in court and help the family's advancement by marrying the king, but didn't stand by her or her brother George or try to save them once they feel from grace. Later in the same century similar situations occurred with young Catherine Howard, who is again said to be put in court to advance her family and more so another teenage unfortunate heroine Jane Grey and her husband Guilford Dudley who were almost sacrifced to further the ambitions of their families. Is that the reality of life?

But yes, the good deeds of parents and ancestors pay off for children and descendants too. In the beginning it's said she didn't want any relationship with the king but later Anne's decision of waiting and marrying Henry VIII instead of being a mistress paid off. It legitimized Elizabeth and England and world history had one of it's greatest rulers. She was truly a strong woman, an feminist icon in a man's world.

Rulers in democratic nations don't have the kind of power a king had but then most of it are base human instincts and come to people naturally- oppression of the weak by the powerful.There have been countless examples in the past and recent history.

In Memory of QUEEN ANNE

The strong willed Queen Anne was pursued relentlessly by king Henry VIII when he realized his first wife Catherine of Aragon can't give him a male heir. Some researchers also say that she was really not interested in being the King's mistress unlike her sister Mary Boleyn and she had her conditions for marriage as didn't want her children to be illegitimate.

To marry Anne, he broke away from the Catholic church and formed the church of England( very important turning point in history). Sadly later he disposed off this very woman and had her destroyed which in itself shows the greed, arrogant, haughty, moody and mentally unstable ways of the king.

Queen Anee's tragedy has has reportedly been the subject of ten individual biographies, with two more coming up. She has reportedly featured as a character in fifteen motion pictures and eight television shows.

She has been portrayed by many actresses on screen( some pictures are pasted above)- the more famous being Merle Oberon, Geneviève Bujold (Oscar-nominated, one of the best portrayals) in 'Anne of a thousand days',Dame Dorothy Tutin, Dame Joan Sutherland, Charlotte Rampling, Vanessa Redgrave, Helena Bonham Carter,Jodhi May, and more recently Natalie Portman( she's my favorite actress who acted well in 'The Other Boleyn girl' but the movie was erroneous and an insult to historical facts. Hence I would call it a wrong choice by her) and Natalie Dormer.

May the 19th 1536 was a terrible day...

Her sudden fall was unjust but the queen Anne left her mark, made history and is talked about till today. Her story is remembered for her remarkable rise, individuality, bravery, strong beliefs, charm and with sorrow too after centuries. She 's seen as a feminist icon too. Her scaffold courage was exemplary.

Most importantly she is remembered as the mother of one of England's greatest monarchs- Elizabeth I, who ruled for as long as 44 and a half years and whose reign was known as the golden age. Because her father married and later got her mother executed, followed by his fifth wife, Catherine Howard, it's said Elizabeth feared marriage and for her it meant death. She never married( though considered it many times), came to be known as the virgin queen and considered her people her children. The English could defeat the might Spanish Armada, venture into the new world, diplomatic relations with other counties improved, and art and literature flourished( Shakespeare's classic work were from that time) during the Elizabethan era

She was known as good queen Bess for her fair nature and benevolence.

Rest in peace your majesty, Queen Anne.

Just a day after her execution, King Henry VIII made it clear that he would marry his 3rd wife Jane Seymour. But the purpose of this marriage seemed to be futile as even though Jane Seymour bore him a son, Edward VI, he lived only till the age of 15 and ruled only for a few years after Henry VIII's demise in 1547. His subsequent marriages with the wise Anne of Cleves( she got away from the king with a good settlement and is a favorite queen of many as well) , the ill fated Catherine Howard and Katherine Parr didn't produce any children. His oldest daughter with Catherine of Aragon didn't prove to be an efficient queen as well and came to be known as bloody Mary. She couldn't have any children either. Queen Anne had her biggest victory in the form of daughter Elizabeth who was the one who shone the brightest, ascending the throne at 25 and ruling it well till the age of 69. If we look at it spiritually( mostly Asian spirituality) we effortlessly also call it the law of karma being at work.

Life has never seemed like a bed of roses, but shining amidst it all and focusing on the good and positive things makes things look so much better in the world.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Feliz Cumpleaños Audrey Hepburn

A very beautiful lady who was destined to rule hearts of many around the world was born today.

She did some very memorable films( check the video above). She turned out to be an epitome of style, poise and grace. She remains an evergreen style icon- her clothes and hairstyle will never go out of fashion.

To add to it all, she had goodness of heart and kindness- something very rare in the showbiz world she was a big part of.

She worked hard( her son Sean Hepburn Ferrer in her biography says because she thought she had shortcomings), did lovely films, was a humanitarian, never forgot the rough times as a child during World war 2 and hence was very compassionate towards world's children, more so the unprivileged ones. Her humanitarianism would have continued for many years and even though she's not physically around, the Audrey Hepburn Children's fund does do the needful.

She tried hard to balance it all well and was a great parent to her sons as well.

She remains alive in the hearts of many who would effortlessly say---Audrey Heburn- Born May the 4TH----forever( much like how TCM does)!

Pictured above- Raised a toast and a little cake dedicated to her. There's only so much( maybe a little more) one can do now!Maybe sometime later a visit to Belgium, her place of birth and Switzerland, her resting place will be good.

She's the reason why Tiffany's in New York has become so extraordinarily famous and remains so... I can personally never forget my visit either.I made it a point that I visited the Tiffany's when I was there. I am sure many others have done the same over the years.

Some names just leave on, for the right reasons...Wish there were more artistes like these in the showbiz world of today. The showbiz world will become so much better again.

Well, words are not enough...

Keep smiling from up there My Fair Lady.

Happy Birthday.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Good things come in small packages?

Well I turned a year older on May 1. At one time I used to worry about getting older.Used to feel sad about more so about losing out on childhood. But not any more...

Because of the following ladies...Apparently being not very tall and small framed has its advantages. I am one of them and am often mistakes for a
teenager( it has happened time and again) though in reality I am 20 something ( just a few years more anyway but it's always good to know oneself) and lately put on some muscle as well.

Some of these ladies are older than me but I am not here to count age( it isn't something good to do for a lady, more so from India) but rather talk about most of them looking really good for their age. Like years younger. It helps when one is a member of showbiz and looks and feels like that.In real life I would know a few people like that in real life(it's also seen that this kind is found more in entertainment industries than real life), but here we can talk of celebs and hence these names are taken from the industries I know most about- Hollywood and B town.

Well it's just a little theory and it might not be absolute but in a way it does make sense. Someone knowledgeable once told me, remaining slim is like half the battle won.

When I first saw her in American Beauty Mena Suvari looked like a teen and she still does.
Alsion Lohman says she likes to play roles younger than her and must say she carries it off well( apart from carrying short hair well).

Ria Sen is short and has a smaller body type and is very, very youthful( minus plastic surgeries, she claims she doesn't need it because she comes from Maharani Gayatri Devi
s family)... Her B-townstory would have been different only if she could act.

Jessica Alba is taller but looks very good despite getting older and being a mother. Her body is kind of small too...

Oscar winner Natalie Portman is shot, sweet, fresh faced and can look young for a long long time...

So is Amrita Rao from B town as well as her sister who's a model. Someone commented she still looks like a 12 year old girl. Well she can't look sexy but that very well extend her career.

And 22 year old Shraddha Kapoor who is a B town newbie is a real cutie and can easily pass off as a 16/ 17 year old. She is tall but her body type is small again.

Well, Soha Ali Khan and Tanisha ( are much older than Shraddha and slightly older than Amrita) aren't stars despite coming from good film families( though Soha is a good actress) but look young...But the shape of their faces kind of stand in their way( that's just a guess, maybe others could tell me what exactly it is) from looking very young. But they are still fresh faced compared to most B -town so called big stars stars who rely heavily on many botox, plastic surgeries, collagen etc to look young and sexy( and still don't look so, rather artificial instead)

Freida, now an international star( though she is and looks older than her boyfriend Dev) and Genelia again are taller but again young looking. Guess because they don't have broad bodies.

Much like Australian ( now American) Jacinda Barret who kept on playing younger roles till a long time in her career. She's now 38 and a mum but still looks quite youthful ...

17 year old Dakota Fanning is growing up well and might look young for a long time. She is around 5"4 now but then she still has time to grow...The only thing is that Asian and African skin tends to have lesser wrinkles as it ages than Caucasian skin. Dakota is a great young child actress turned adult actress. Hope she stays young too for a long, long time.

To wrap it up, it will be worthwhile to talk about some Chinese and Japanese stars who made some international movies and are likely to look fresh like daisies for years on end.
Many say Mongoloid genes make people age slower. and they are smaller in size and lithe too. There are many such real women like that in the far east, for now let's talk about the celebs.

The award winning 'Babel' made her famous. Now Japanese lass Rinko Kikuchi has hit her 3rd decade and is sizzling....

Fan Bing Bing is a real exotic Chinese beauty and looks like will remain so for many years.
Here's she looks like a living doll:)

Zhang Ziyi's martial arts expertise perhaps helps her to stay young and fit...

Finally, gosh the oh so beautiful Gong Li. It's hard to believe she's almost in her mid forties now...

Mankind has always been known to want to preserve youth for long. A small frame is just a part of it, being slim, fit and having flawless young skin helps one to look young for long...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A little Older & a little Wiser from Today!

Yeah, Babetude is a little older and a little wiser today...No, not the blog. It isn't a year old yet. It's actually, me the author..

After leaving my teens behind, I did fret. I'm doing the same now,but only a bit. I am thankful to God for all the nice things I have had in life. Yes, I regret the pain( some unnecessary caused by circumstances) and the repent some mistakes

Am thankful I am a young looking gal and have always been. I've been told that so many times.I never took compliments that seriously and now too it's the same. Of course

Age is just a number after all! Getting wiser while looking young and good is the trick.

I am so glad I spent my day in a place of worship...a pristine beautiful church close up on the hills...

I am trying. Hope do some better work this year, better myself and stand up for causes...Hope to put up some good posts on the blog from this new year of mine.