It was a pleasure in the sense that most media people in the country of my birth( i.e India) are only interested in giving attention to so called big stars.
Well, nothing wrong with that. The problem happens when some of them have made a mockery out of acting.
Like Mother, like daughter. How pretty she looks in the pictures, so much like her gorgeous mom, the original sex pot.

Bad news had hit the family when Sharmila ji lost her Nawab/ former cricket captain husband,a refined, handsome man, Soha and her siblings their dad and the nation that lost a Tiger, only 11/12 days back.It's sad...Cricket commentator Harsha Bhogle who yours truly follows on Twitter, tweeted it so right..The Jolliest of men in recent days have been taken away in recent days...
Some things are in the hands of fate indeed. But they seem to be holding on, being strong.
But as far as movies go,will things change again??? I mean for the better?Sharmila Ji was a great performer( from the golden days, the times which Babetude misses so much) and so is Soha. She has proved her mettle in Rang De Basanti which was a hit, followed by Ahista Ahista, Khoya Khoya Chand, Mumbai meri jaan...Some were small films, but yet her performance was good. She was praised recently at the fashion shows where the pics posted above were clicked, a little more than a fortnight back, but not worshiped like a star. Her brother Saif Ali Khan who has been around for almost two decades and does more commercial movies, in fact is.
Many true blue film lovers today are lamenting...And there's reason enough for it!
Look at who are stars these days...There's nothing much to speak about the acting and performances of big male or female stars...Aamir Khan, the thinking actor with his wonderful choices of scripts, and acting is an exception.So are some experimental directors.But the overall percentage of film folks this kind is low...
Maybe also because the audience want other things( more superficial entertainment?) and the filmmakers and even big banners want to play safe? In the process they end up encouraging non actors more and more and making a mockery of the art of film making, acting... No wonder a lot of what B'wood produces is not taken seriously worldwide.
The worst is the big star now who can't speak the language in which her movies are made. Worse, she looks and is old( as claimed by a few), but is pretending to be young, getting paired with younger heroes and older stars.A few knowledgeable ones( including Bloggers) protest, know the truths,can't stand the dead, expressionless face. Babetude remembers during the time she was associate editor how one of her young male writers had called this lady the 'horse lady" in the review of a terrible masala flicka that glorified the turban about three years ago. Yes it's kind of insulting but people who expose themselves in media and now with so much of social media etc being around, public figures have to take criticism.
But apparently some men and women find this masculine looking star sexy...That's why she's around of course, right?. Does it reflect well on India?
No.A smart guy had once said, even transsexuals in Brazil( a country known for hot men & women) are far hotter.
Not that I and others of my type have problems with foreign actors acting in B town movies. Well, I live outside of India and am a part of the cosmopolitan culture of the world,so why would me and someone like me have complaints? We see it in Hollywood all the time. But they are actors acting or trying to better the craft. They believe in performing. Not someone who makes a mockery of the art itself. Dialogue delivery is important part of acting. It's not about fluttering eyelashes and smiling.Oh, it's so shameful in B'wood right now...True blue cine fans have a lot to be sad about.
Apart from the name being a blatant copy. Mr. Bachchan, the talented theatre personality Sanjana Kapoor has talked about how it was not called so, years ago.
Also if the foreign actors play roles suited to themselves there's nothing to be sad about. Like how Penelope Cruz does roles in Hollywood, or half Indian beauty Lisa Ray from Canada, foreign item girls and talented British actress Alice Patten did in Rang De Basanti...
There are some wonderful examples from the past as well...
Now maybe some can understand why the feminine, classy dresser but dusky( and discriminated against as claimed by her for being so and also flat chested in Btown) Freida Pinto could happily leave M'bai and be a rising star in Hollywood instead!
She's just one. There could be others who rise just like that too. In India, it seems anything is possible. Here's the video where some truths about that so called star is out.A forthright lady, who's known for her honesty had spoke some facts not very long ago.( It will be uploaded soon too)
Changes will be so much welcome in filmdom.When stars will be great actors too! Till then, like some you tube users said, by staying away from most B'wood Babetude is missing nothing at all!
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