Well I turned a year older on May 1. At one time I used to worry about getting older.Used to feel sad about more so about losing out on childhood. But not any more...
Because of the following ladies...Apparently being not very tall and small framed has its advantages. I am one of them and am often mistakes for a
teenager( it has happened time and again) though in reality I am 20 something ( just a few years more anyway but it's always good to know oneself) and lately put on some muscle as well.
Some of these ladies are older than me but I am not here to count age( it isn't something good to do for a lady, more so from India) but rather talk about most of them looking really good for their age. Like years younger. It helps when one is a member of showbiz and looks and feels like that.In real life I would know a few people like that in real life(it's also seen that this kind is found more in entertainment industries than real life), but here we can talk of celebs and hence these names are taken from the industries I know most about- Hollywood and B town.
Well it's just a little theory and it might not be absolute but in a way it does make sense. Someone knowledgeable once told me, remaining slim is like half the battle won.
When I first saw her in American Beauty Mena Suvari looked like a teen and she still does.
Alsion Lohman says she likes to play roles younger than her and must say she carries it off well( apart from carrying short hair well).
Ria Sen is short and has a smaller body type and is very, very youthful( minus plastic surgeries, she claims she doesn't need it because she comes from Maharani Gayatri Devi
s family)... Her B-townstory would have been different only if she could act.

Oscar winner Natalie Portman is shot, sweet, fresh faced and can look young for a long long time...

Well, Soha Ali Khan and Tanisha ( are much older than Shraddha and slightly older than Amrita) aren't stars despite coming from good film families( though Soha is a good actress) but look young...But the shape of their faces kind of stand in their way( that's just a guess, maybe others could tell me what exactly it is) from looking very young. But they are still fresh faced compared to most B -town so called big stars stars who rely heavily on many botox, plastic surgeries, collagen etc to look young and sexy( and still don't look so, rather artificial instead)

Freida, now an international star( though she is and looks older than her boyfriend Dev) and Genelia again are taller but again young looking. Guess because they don't have broad bodies.

Much like Australian ( now American) Jacinda Barret who kept on playing younger roles till a long time in her career. She's now 38 and a mum but still looks quite youthful ...

17 year old Dakota Fanning is growing up well and might look young for a long time. She is around 5"4 now but then she still has time to grow...The only thing is that Asian and African skin tends to have lesser wrinkles as it ages than Caucasian skin. Dakota is a great young child actress turned adult actress. Hope she stays young too for a long, long time.
To wrap it up, it will be worthwhile to talk about some Chinese and Japanese stars who made some international movies and are likely to look fresh like daisies for years on end.
Many say Mongoloid genes make people age slower. and they are smaller in size and lithe too. There are many such real women like that in the far east, for now let's talk about the celebs.
The award winning 'Babel' made her famous. Now Japanese lass Rinko Kikuchi has hit her 3rd decade and is sizzling....

Mankind has always been known to want to preserve youth for long. A small frame is just a part of it, being slim, fit and having flawless young skin helps one to look young for long...
Wow, they really look fresh and young.IMAO it's an asset to be like that. After all who doesn't want to hold youth for long? Forever Young is the dream of many, right?