I have always been attracted a lot to Christmas.Maybe because of my childhood and schooling background when our sisters(nuns) got us ready for the holidays with cultural programs, plays, song and dance. And yes, a few gifts with someone playing Santa and food.
And yes,learning some teachings of Christ would stand some of us in good stead though we were not born Christians.He's someone who many people regardless of their religion love to love and follow.
In fact it's more like a festival which anyone regardless of religion can celebrate. After all it's about celebrating the best things about humanity.
It's the spirit of Christmas that is always so very special.
It's also about giving, yeah, giving to the ones who don't have and really appreciate, doing good deeds. Spreading peace, love and joy...
I have always loved the Santa legend. Saint Nicholas aka Santa Claus, appeared/ appeared so lovable, amiable and is said to be taking special care of all those who do the needful. I have always had the habit of writing my wishes to Santa on Christmas Eve, I was so loved the story about kids putting their wishes for Santa in a stocking and later collecting the gifts. Well, in recent years they haven't been material things,more things and wishes to make my life better.
Material things give joy but spiritual growth and the sense of achieving more than just material gifts and things makes one feel complete.
The decorations, the pastries, the chocolates and the spirit of the season as a whole has been very, very appealing. And I'm sure I'm not alone as there are many non Christians who love the aura of the season.
I have always liked to dress in red and white(Santa's colors) with the Santa cap,and play a few popular carols I knew since childhood.
But this will be first official Christmas celebration at home. Before it was kind of low key.
This is one of the best things about moving to the western world.
Not that northeast India where I come from or Mumbai never had a Christmas. They had but this is something different and seems more authentic as the celebration is at home.
So this year, it is special, thanks to that special someone.
It's good to decorate the tree, pack gifts and cook and bake.
And as a tradition I look forward to unpacking my gift from under the tree.
The Almighty has been really kind.
The enjoyment is there, but the most important part of Christmas is remembering Christ and the spirit of spreading good will, doing some charity and helping the weak and the harmless.
I tried and more so this year to do my bit of charity though I still feel it's very, very little. Just two years back when that someone really special bought a special gift( my first huge Christmas present) and in the process involuntarily donated to the Audrey Hepburn Children Fund, I felt so good...
Later the realization felt even more good as the importance of these little deeds sunk in. I knew about them from childhood but couldn't as much as I would have liked to.
Three years ago we did make a donation to a leper's colony in Mumbai around and few little things here and there for floods victims in India. In my childhood through our school we used to try to help flood victims and the poor with books, clothes and food. Thankfully our teachers and sisters(nuns) taught us some philanthropy. But the world is huge and there's much misery and hence it can never seem enough.
I just wish I had done a bit more.It gives a sense of satisfaction, more than anything material and as good as achieving and realizing dreams in life.
Charles Dicken's 'Christmas Carol' preached the same spirit. And my favorite Christmas movie 'Miracle on 31st street' has ideal messages too. It's an amiable film with a very cute actor playing Santa.
This year, apart from trying to make a few people who are good and close to me happy, I feel a sense of joy to send a few e cards from care2causes from which charities such as animal welfare, human rights,environment, wildlife et al benefit. I like to sign petitions which they reportedly deliver to various authorities/ leaders around the globe and also promote the same through social media. And yes, do some writing and spreading messages for the families of Indian martyrs & patriots which I have been doing since November 26th this year, more vigorously and am likely to continue with full force.
It's always nice to make especially a little child smile even with a simple little gift- a toy or a jar of cookies. Kids really are virtuous, they show appreciation for even the smallest of things.
These little things make so much of a difference to the mind,give such a heartwarming feeling and it's kind of joy which superficial things like partying etc can never bring.
It's not much, but the spirit is on and hope to do much better in the days to come...
Maybe some time in the future I shall be able to enjoy a White Christmas, with snowman, wine, cakes etc- the more authentic way. The Almighty is kind.
Merry Christmas to all. May the season bring the best and do what it is supposed to do- spread peace, love and joy...
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